Nordstrom Anniversary Sale: Open to Public

Happy Friday! Today is the day that the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is officially open to the public, i.e., non-cardholders. I've snagged some really great faves, including this cardigan in grey, which I'll be ordering in the Tan Sahara, as well. I honestly wouldn't even consider myself a "cardigan person," but this one is perfect and so comfy. I love the relaxed and effortless vibe. 

The sale is open through August 7th (prices go up August 8th), so find you faves and keep checking back if you see something you love that's not in stock. Nordstrom typically restocks throughout the sale and I know I definitely have my eye on a couple things—here's looking at you, suede moto jacket

For some of my try-ons, you can see this post or check out more of my faves from the sale here

Happy shopping and have a great weekend! I have my sisters bridal shower and planning it (and her bach) has been no joke, but I'm sooooo excited! 

x Tyler



